Sweet Dreams is a web site to help friends play Bridge together on BBO This page is to help friends find each other on BBO Click here to go to Bridge Base Online and help each other enjoy our game online.
BBO can be a rude place and Christina has about 200 people blocked. Do not take anything to heart. The idea here is that we all help each other get up to speed in a slow kind friendly manner. Once you are up to speed you might want to stay with the group or go off at your own pace.
Most of BBO play Amerincan systems and you will often be accused of cheating if you play ACOL so before you venture away from our safe little world I would suggest you master level 6. Never give out personal details money or credit card details. There are a lot of scams on BBO. BBO is free to all. Some people will try and charge you to play in their events. There are thousands of free events every day. This is the internet so trust no one.
Last updated 1-4-2020